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Buffalo Buffalo, Everywhere Buffalo

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  • Saturday, October 13 2007 @ 02:31 am PDT
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Buffalo On September 17th, James Honzik, Noah Levin & King Otho (all of Buffalo fame of course) were featured on Portland, Oregon's KBOO FM show "Talking Earth" hosted by Patrick Bocarde. James was live in the studio while Otho & I called in from NYC. Despite the 10pm west coast vs 1am east coast time difference, time had no constraint on our spirits as we all had fun reading poetry and jamming out and now you get to download it and check out the entire 1 hour program for yourself:

Buffalo On KBOO FM's Talking Earth (mp3 51.1mb) right click to download

or left click here for a Stream of the broadcast from
Internet Archive's Stream for Buffalo On KBOO FM's Talking Earth

And while we're talking about cool poetical Buffalo items from September that you should check out, I'd be really disappointed if I found out you missed our last post on The Oxford University Press Blog. This one is going to be our last posting on the OUP Blog, so I'd like to thank Oxford for asking us & giving us the opportunity to post poetical madness up on their site. Even though all things come to an end at some point or another, I'd like to think that we went out in style.

First we have an audio recording/send-up to longtime Buffalo and all around infamous activist Rafael Bueno:

And if you keep on a clickin', you'll also find a poem by Buffalo Extraordinaire King Otho:

So grab a refreshing libation, put on your sunglasses, and check out the poetry!


Buffalo Readings Live at the MMAC in SecondLife 10-7-07

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  • Monday, October 08 2007 @ 12:35 am PDT
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Podcasts A great reading with King Otho and Noah Levin over Jazz. This was broadcast live into the MMAC in SecondLife.

9.6 Mb mp3

Buffalo Live at the MMAC Tonight! Join us in Second Life, or on the Buffalo Radio stream.

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  • Sunday, October 07 2007 @ 01:15 pm PDT
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Buffalo Dash Renior of MMAC fame has invited the Buffalo Perform at his theater in Second Life tonight as part of their 1/2 anniversary extravaganza. Show starts at 11pm eastern, 8pm pacific. If you are a Second Lifer, join us at the MMAC 8pm Second Life time, otherwise tune in to the Buffalo Radio stream here:

Also, if you are in the NYC area, we have a Buffalo + Flip Bowery open mic tomorrow at 5:30 pm eastern.
Hope to see you there!

Media Gallery Upgrade

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  • Thursday, September 27 2007 @ 12:22 am PDT
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General News The Media Gallery will be down for a short period of time while it is upgraded to address certain bugs in the old version. It will be back shortly.


The God Particle: Is science the new religion? The Surrey Debate 2007

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  • Sunday, September 23 2007 @ 12:25 am PDT
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I wish I lived in England right now.


august (a song)

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  • Friday, September 21 2007 @ 09:55 pm PDT
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Poetry under the silent moon
sleeping bag wrestling rock
i've thought it all on this crag
i've thought it all on the spot

waves crash like tyrants
and fish floating landward
suns and moons scream for you
daughters run homeward

a fist full of flowers
to stave off the hours
when seeds on rocks scatter
and roots do not flower


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  • Monday, September 17 2007 @ 09:19 pm PDT
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Poetry From the convienience of your
Western tears comes one
who looks to those lonesome
ears come one come sky come
home and moan
and not to cognite gragnite
comes wandering those thickly
painted hallway cielings
of blue-grey sunday afternoon
Crackled the picture box
long speaker wire wrapped
long ago wire hanger
who's pillow night
caught fire
caught brown and wind
and more soulsome tears
a holographic diorama
of the times I might
remember when puppet
family in carpeted doll house
Kabuki mask angst and
bumble bee mark
Screamed on the wind of the
panes of glass-time
whos time yous time
come along and sunday morning
news time. Cartoon fingertips
releases plastic button and
red eyed channel disfigures its
figure. And before the flip
it's minds eye laugh around
couch and table and ear-held
write-a-gram. Monthly monthly
paycheck wrinkles.
Who knew how so it was
so meaningless tantra
of the thirty seventh time
when the spring has become limp
when the mind hollow messenger
comes to this mind limp
when the limp limp limp limp limp
becomes limp
and yet it was always limp,
and still it was always not limp
and then there was tuesday when it
was like madness and a dark tight tunnel
breathes heavy with wandering souls
each scrapes off a little bit
and the path becomes tighter
becomes cramped and pressed face features
and the package was wrapped in life
and the gold was its bones
and the wind was its blood
and the distance was its energy
and the planets its memory
and the comets its kidneys
and the water was its euphoria
and the fire was its intellect
and the gravity was its schedule
and the dust was its senses
and the clouds were its songs
and the music was its meat
and the wine was its potatos
and the rhythm was its lesson
and the light was its goal
oh mysterious backbone we call being
oh the cheese of cities
oh the lambs of concertos
oh the end all be all original hairball of slut
take these crimes and hold them to you dear
for your Wednesday depends on them
for your crackers do shift
for your spread does not shift
and you are lonely
in the only one
you are you
are you

Buffalo on the Radio!

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  • Friday, September 14 2007 @ 04:47 pm PDT
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General News KBOO FM's "Talking Earth" hosted by Patrick Bocarde will feature an in-studio appearance by West Coast Buffalo James Honzik and will also have Patrick calling the east coast Buffalo to read poetry on the air!

Monday September 17th
10PM Pacific Time/ 1AM Eastern Time

If you are in the Portland, OR area, be sure to tune your radio to the following:
Portland: 90.7 fm
Corvallis: 100.7 fm
Columbia Gorge: 91.9 fm

If you are outside the Portland, OR area, click the link below and listen to the broadcast streamed live from the KBOO FM website.

see ya'll there!


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  • Friday, September 14 2007 @ 11:16 am PDT
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Poetry Locked
by: Volcanic Milk

So, tonight, I'll drive,
naked and alone.
Beneath the cool oceans breeze--I'll catch a glimpse,
Out of my past:
(Curiously subdued blue eyes.)
Warm glow? no!
Sea salt air invigorates,
as it should,
Though this erection hesitates.
My sexual proclivities remain locked,
Flourishing in their youth,
Yes, Lonesome more!

The Ancient Rain

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  • Tuesday, September 11 2007 @ 06:40 am PDT
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Poetry Written by Bob Kaufman

New York Howl! Festival!!

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  • Thursday, September 06 2007 @ 06:23 am PDT
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General News This years Howl Festival is set and on, events are at The Bowery Poetry Club and Tompkins Square Park, events be free. David Acevedo will make an appearance on stage at the park on Friday at 6pm, the whole event is a celebration of Allen ginsberg's poem Howl For Carl Solomon as well as the Beat literature movement which has progressed through generations today.

The annual Howl! Festival named in honor of the groundbreaking poem by Allen Ginsberg and produced every summer celebrates the East Village and Lower East Side's role as a preeminent locus of culture.

Centered in Tompkins Square Park, the festival attracts more than 100,000 visitors bringing to the clubs, galleries, parks, streets, and theaters of Manhattan's Lower East Side an explosion of dance, film, food, music, performance, painting, poetry, sculpture, and theater.

Luminaries like Boy George, Steve Buscemi, Steve Earle, Karen Finley, Nan Goldin, Luis Guzman, Jim Jarmusch, Moby, Lou Reed, Ed Sanders, and Suzanne Vega draw the festival's crowds but its real stars are the hardworking independent artists and writers who continue to invigorate the neighborhood with their inconoclastic spirit.

Buffalo Readings Featuring Flip @ The Bowery Poetry Club!

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  • Wednesday, September 05 2007 @ 09:01 pm PDT
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General News I am really and truly excited to announce that not only was our summer reading series at the Bowery such a success that they've asked us back in a regular monthly capacity, BUT we also had so much fun jamming out last month to the jazz of Flip, that both Buffalo & Flip have decided to team up for our upcoming Bowery gig this Monday September 10th! Yes, I kid you not, them Flip cats are coming back down, teaming up with the Buffalo to raise the heat again!

Jazz, Poetry, an open mic and a fully stocked bar.
Free to all.

So don't sit on your ass, it's going to be one hell of a time.

Buffalo Readings Featuring the Jazz of Flip
Bowery Poetry Club
308 Bowery (between Bleeker & Houston)
Open Mic, Music, Video
Monday September 10th, 2007
6pm - 7:30pm

Take the 6 train to Bleeker
or the F to 2nd Ave

Right before the part when Michael Palin calls me a "Bleedin' Mary!"

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  • Tuesday, September 04 2007 @ 10:20 pm PDT
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Dear Sirs (to wit)

I object to all this nonsense about poetry and art, and urge you to GET ON WITH IT! Just like the lovely chap pictured here, who apart from being an awful good sport (nudge nudge) is a gracious host. You'll notice his minor uneasiness as he tries to decipher what name to sign (the book lady transcribed "BLBEDINMARY" and I scratched out the second 'B' and wrote 'E' under it in red.)
He sort of half smiled, unable to fully cope with a joke of such caliber after a long speech and lines and lines of people wanting his autograph, to which I replied "Do you want to come back to my place?", which garnered another chuckle and a sort of guardedly low "Bouncy, bouncy" from him. Thinking back, I hope he didn't think I was really propositioning him for sex, though I'm sure that's the fifty-millionth time he's heard that joke, in many languages no less! In the end, Noah, Frank, Michael, and myself all went shooting ducks in the backyard of Barnes and Noble, on several glasses of whiskey.

Buffalo + Flip on the OUP Blog

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  • Friday, August 31 2007 @ 08:45 am PDT
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Buffalo Has it already been a month?? Oh yes it has and that can only mean one thing, the Buffalo are back posting on the Oxford University Press Blog. And this month we have something real special for you all.

First, we have a poem from our one and only Fleece Beast: David Acevedo.

Now here's were things get a little crazy. Just a few weeks ago The Buffalo Readings did an amazing Poetry Reading, Artistic Jam Out with the jazz band "Flip". Oh yes, crazy jazz cats who play regularly over in Tompkins Square Park came on down to see & play with the Buffalo at the Bowery Poetry Club back on August 13th and it quickly became a mutual fan club between both groups with all of us hot to play more. But that's not all. The 13th gig also saw Buffalo Poet and Artist extraordinaire Michael Molotov all the way down from Saint Louie jamming his poetry out with those mad Flip cats on stage. BUFFALO! But it still doesn't stop: Otho videotaped the whole Molotov/Flip extravaganza and now the video is up in full on the OUP Blog and you can check it out right HERE:
It is important to your SOUL that you click this link.

We still have MUCH more exciting news coming soon.
'Till then, KEEP DOING IT.


iPhone BattleFleet!

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  • Sunday, August 12 2007 @ 01:50 am PDT
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And yes, I made this. Every bit and pixel, hand crafted. Three weeks of non stop keyboard and mouse - almost 3000 lines of code, several hundred picture-elements, and 14 cans of scotch-whiskey later, your web browser will attempt to sink your battleship.

Have fun, for no need of an iPhone to play, just a modern web browser such as Mozilla Firefox, or Safari, or maybe even IE (ok, I didn't really try IE, but feel free to, at your own crazy risk.)


Dedicated to Ingmar Bergman

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  • Monday, July 30 2007 @ 02:03 pm PDT
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Poetry A short poem I wrote an hour after watching a Bergman film several years ago at the Film Forum. Bergman has long been one of my favorite directors and the words were 100% influenced by the film - embraced in influence as I wrote them. I've always read this in dedication to Bergman and today, on the day of his death, I post it in tribute to him.

by Noah Levin

Silence muffled behind the wall
while the creaks echo to the cracks
that support the integrity of it all.

Eyes bound tight staring in fright
at the closed light but in fear of
the touch that is looked for
beyond the prison wall.

OUP Blog

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  • Friday, July 27 2007 @ 08:51 am PDT
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Buffalo Being the last Friday of the month, we are back on the Oxford University Press Blog!

This month you will find poems by David Acevedo & King Otho along with (I'm proud to say) the Time Factory Sequence from James Honzik (a favorite piece of mine!). Be sure to visit the blog today as our pieces are posted throughout. Scream, comment, shout, post a poem.

or go to to see all of our OUP blog submissions.

Tony's Talkin' To features David Acevedo for All Y'All!

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  • Friday, July 13 2007 @ 06:05 am PDT
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Tony's Talkin' To features David Acevedo for All Y'All!

Attention all you Legionaires who have lost faith in man, woman, god, country and writing (or not, if you still have hope and/or faith)! David Acevedo, the Great Buffalo Fleece Beast, will be on the scene, all the way from NYC, to take us on his journeys of symphonic cacophony.

David's an accomplished writer/poet and vibrant performer who prefers nothing more than to lay it all out there, wide open, especially along with an instrament or three. There's no band this time, but you're sure to hear him carry his voice further.

"Known by and large around Portland as Buffalo Fleece, David Acevedo returns to the stage and demonstrates what he describes as "the Buffalo style, the one common element that the Buffalo Poets share equally." Arriving off a train from New York City in 2004 David immediately began hitting the poetry scene in PDX and traveling the general west coast.
Originally from New York, David is a founding member of The Buffalo Readings, an unorthodox approach to accepting and creating art, poetry, music and culture. During his stay in PDX from 2004 to 2006 David read poetry and held Buffalo Readings in many places. He was also featured in the Alberta Street reading, Broken Word's first Anthology.
David currently resides New York City and performs regularly with the Buffalo around town, please see for more information." -The Buffalo Picuyne

So, yeah, we're gettin' a fine purveyor of purity at Tony's this week. David will be hidin' out around town this weekend, finishing up his book and perhaps we'll have an opportunity to pick up a collection of his words. So bring some cash along with your booty, down to get blown away by beauty in Buffalo Fleece at Tony's Talkin' To this coming Monday night.

David Acevedo featured at Tony's Talkin' To!
A Word Open Mic Hap'nin'
Monday July 16th.
Frank Sauce Hostin'
Tony's Tavern
Portland, OR
7:30ish-Sign Up
8-ish start
Loosey-goosey like

July 9 - Bowery Buffalo Madness

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  • Monday, July 09 2007 @ 03:05 am PDT
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Buffalo Calling all Buffalo / MINDS!

See you there!


Buffalo Bulletin!

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  • Friday, July 06 2007 @ 01:30 am PDT
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General News Greetings all,

There are so many truly great things going on with the Buffalo right now, I thought I'd break it all down in one "catch all" announcement. So lets cut to the quick: here's everything!

-Tonight, Friday July 6th at 10pm the Buffalo will be headlining Voxpop's 3 day festival of poetry & music. Come on down and help us raise the hoopla to new heights. Also, show up early because Voxpop will be doing a BBQ from 1-9pm. Food, Drinks, Music, Art. I went last week when the Buffalo did an impromptu hosting of the Voxpop sunday open mic and I can personally tell you the food was fantastic. 1022 Cortelyou Rd, Brooklyn, NY - take the Q to Cortelyou RD. No Cover Charge.

-Monday July 9th & August 13th from 6 - 7:30pm the Buffalo will continue to be featured at The Bowery Poetry Club, hosting our very own free Open Mic. Right in the heart of the Lower East Village at NYC's Mecca of Poetry. 308 Bowery (between Houston & Bleeker). Take the 6 to Bleeker St or the F to 2nd Ave. Chaos will ensue.

-Every Last Friday of the month, the Buffalo will continue our regular monthly posting to the Oxford University Press Blog. Yes, the establishment has invited in the bohemians, but we've promised to leave their furniture nicely polished. We're all highly excited about this and keep you're eyes peeled, we have a lot of fun and outside of the box ideas we're looking forward to posting up. Poetry, Editorial type Articles, Video, Audio, you never really know what might be next. Next post will be Friday July 27th.

-Feeling like your missing out on the Buffalo while out in the Northwest? Miss out no longer. Our very own David Acevedo will be out in Portland, OR next week and will be doing his very own feature at Tony's Talkin To, Monday July 16th at 8pm. 1955 W Burnside St. phone (503) 228-4574. Come on out and give the Fleece a very big moose for us all!

-We aint dead on Second Life yet. No, we're just beginning. Date TBA but we will be continuing our foray into virtual live poetics and open mics via the MMAC on Second Life in a regular monthly series. Not on Second Life? No fear, we will be broadcasting all live second life events on our buffalo radio web stream which can be found on our website. Details Coming in Soon.

-Also details coming soon, a new monthly reading series in the traditional Casa Del Sol vein but this time in the streets of mahattan?? Could it be? a return of all night poetry madness?? heard it here first, but don't tell anyone I told you......


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