From the convienience of your
Western tears comes one
who looks to those lonesome
ears come one come sky come
home and moan
and not to cognite gragnite
comes wandering those thickly
painted hallway cielings
of blue-grey sunday afternoon
Crackled the picture box
long speaker wire wrapped
long ago wire hanger
who's pillow night
caught fire
caught brown and wind
and more soulsome tears
a holographic diorama
of the times I might
remember when puppet
family in carpeted doll house
Kabuki mask angst and
bumble bee mark
Screamed on the wind of the
panes of glass-time
whos time yous time
come along and sunday morning
news time. Cartoon fingertips
releases plastic button and
red eyed channel disfigures its
figure. And before the flip
it's minds eye laugh around
couch and table and ear-held
write-a-gram. Monthly monthly
paycheck wrinkles.
Who knew how so it was
so meaningless tantra
of the thirty seventh time
when the spring has become limp
when the mind hollow messenger
comes to this mind limp
when the limp limp limp limp limp
becomes limp
and yet it was always limp,
and still it was always not limp
and then there was tuesday when it
was like madness and a dark tight tunnel
breathes heavy with wandering souls
each scrapes off a little bit
and the path becomes tighter
becomes cramped and pressed face features
and the package was wrapped in life
and the gold was its bones
and the wind was its blood
and the distance was its energy
and the planets its memory
and the comets its kidneys
and the water was its euphoria
and the fire was its intellect
and the gravity was its schedule
and the dust was its senses
and the clouds were its songs
and the music was its meat
and the wine was its potatos
and the rhythm was its lesson
and the light was its goal
oh mysterious backbone we call being
oh the cheese of cities
oh the lambs of concertos
oh the end all be all original hairball of slut
take these crimes and hold them to you dear
for your Wednesday depends on them
for your crackers do shift
for your spread does not shift
and you are lonely
in the only one
you are you
are you