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Welcome to The Buffalo Readings Homepage Friday, July 26 2024 @ 11:39 pm PDT

The Passing of a Legend: Oscar Peterson

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  • Monday, December 24 2007 @ 12:15 pm PST
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Buffalo So long Mr. Peterson, you were one of the greats - my heart is heavy hearing that you've passed away. Memories of seeing you play live will always be cherished. -Noah

Jazz Great Oscar Peterson Dies at 82

Buffalo Quickie #4, Robbie Brennan, Ethical Sluts Unite

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  • Tuesday, December 18 2007 @ 12:00 am PST
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Podcasts BUffalo Quickie
This Week's podcast features Robbie Brennan reading at Vox Pop in Brooklyn New York

Subscribe to your preferred format
you can also find it on iTunes and Miro or read more for this week's files!

Thelonious Monk Is A Jazz Ninja!

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  • Thursday, December 13 2007 @ 02:38 pm PST
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Poetry Newer Poem written while listening to the Clark Terry with Thelonious Monk album "In Orbit". Words were written describing the music I was hearing along with the "on the spot" emotions that came with them. A very in the moment poem. Oh yeah, and also a fucking great album you should go out and buy right now if you don't own it already (ask me and I can probably name several hundred such important albums you should go out and buy right now if missing from your collection)

Thelonious Monk Is A Jazz Ninja!
While Clark Terry is the Field Martial
? leading the charge ? but Monk,
oh Monk, with deadly assassin keys
silent in approach and precision
timing will slay you down ? shot
through the heart by a single note of

Sam Jones man, Sam Jones?ll stare
you in the eye playing the rhythmic
center of your eulogy. And
emotions on primal center cling to
deep bass groove ? deep knowing of
forgotten while new fall breeze and
sun and sun and sun ? daylight
forever now through window.
Forever always, forever now.

But Monk still,
Monk is silently lurking ?
searching for what ?is? that makes
me tick ? but he knows.
Can thought be channeled through
piano keys? Finding the single
fracture point of a man?

Take Time,
Take Time.

Philly Joe Jones rallies the troops,
sets battle plan in stone, in dance, in
expression ?

Surge Now Everyone.

Take Hold,
Take Life,
Take Destiny,
Take Everything,
Take You,
Take Me.

Dane Fool! Dance.
Monk and Terry
have come for your soul.

Open Mic Spillover

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  • Wednesday, December 12 2007 @ 11:09 am PST
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Buffalo At the last open mic held at The BPC a young woman read some amazing poems, in one of them she said "Language is technology" and it's been stuck in my head ever since then.

Commodore 64 Turns 25

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  • Wednesday, December 12 2007 @ 07:29 am PST
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Buffalo On Monday night, hundreds of the Valley's graybeards turned out in Mountain View, Calif., for the Computer History Museum's celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Commodore 64, and there was no doubting that Tramiel was the man of the hour, not least because he rarely ventures out in public. (Happy birthday, Rog!)

The Association of Poetry Podcasting!

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  • Monday, December 10 2007 @ 11:50 pm PST
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Be sure to head on down to The APP for a deep list of the good stuff. There you'll find the all night poets and word fans slugging it out over the forums. Find what you like, and like what you'll find.


Buffalo Quickie #3 King Otho, New Krang

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  • Monday, December 10 2007 @ 10:00 pm PST
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Podcasts BUffalo Quickie
This Week's podcast features King Otho reading a new piece at The Bowery Poetry Club, New Krang!

Subscribe to your preferred format
you can also find it on iTunes and Miro or read more for this week's files!

Buffalo Quickie #2 Noah Levin, Sleeping In

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  • Tuesday, December 04 2007 @ 12:00 am PST
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Podcasts BUffalo Quickie

The second Buffalo Quickie features Noah Levin reading at Vox Pop from this Summer's past.

Subscribe to your preferred format
you can also find it on iTunes and Miro or read more for this week's files!

Quicktime Large/iPod

Quicktime Small

Audio Only MP3

A Little Thing of Chance

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  • Sunday, December 02 2007 @ 08:21 pm PST
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Poetry Under a decision of change and chance for change
Walking this life with things walking on me
large and small
it's a a little chance
The difference between
Earth and Venus
Man and Fruit Fly
are fractal and pentagrams
Eyes watching each other
blink and the
universe covers
an event's horizon

New Poll

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  • Wednesday, November 28 2007 @ 02:56 pm PST
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General News With the release of the new podcast Quickie I made up a new poll in order to get some feedback about it. Please subscribe and vote, if you would like to give a more fuller explanation of your thoughts drop us a line over at


Buffalo Quickie Podcast

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  • Tuesday, November 27 2007 @ 01:45 am PST
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The weekly Buffalo Quickie podcast is on the air, or well the internet really.
You'll find it listed in iTunes and Miro under Buffalo Quickie, or just use one of the handy links below:

Quicktime Large / iPod:
Quicktime Small:
Audio Only mp3:

Note: You may have to copy and paste the URL above into your favorite podcast viewer.

Buffalo Quickie #1: David Acevedo featuring Flip

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  • Tuesday, November 27 2007 @ 12:22 am PST
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Coming This Tuesday: The Buffalo Quickie!

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  • Sunday, November 25 2007 @ 08:23 pm PST
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General News Need a quick fix of new Buffalo content on a regular weekly basis? Of course you do! So get ready to be satiated - starting this Tuesday November 27th the Buffalo Readings will be sending out regular Weekly Video Podcasts: 3-10 minute video bursts EVERY Tuesday of poetry, music, arts or anything else we can think of in the brand spanking new "Buffalo Readings - Quickie" Video Podcast.

So keep your eyes peeled this Tuesday (and every Tuesday!), and have yourself a Quickie with the Buffalo.

Buffalo + FLIP: A Night of Jazz + Poetry

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  • Tuesday, November 20 2007 @ 11:51 pm PST
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General News The Buffalo & FLIP have been having a lot of fun doing the Bowery Open Mic so we decided to team up for a couple of special gigs together! So come on down to the Tribes Gallery, Thursday December 6th at 8pm and experience the sonic cutting edge of music, words & thought! Seatbelts highly recommended.


Your Friendly Neighborhood Buffalo:
Noah Levin, King Otho, David Acevedo & Kevin Callahan

Daniel Carter, reeds, brass and woodwinds
Demian Richardson, trumpet
M. Griffith Penalver, drums
Susan Kramer, vocals
and the Rap stylings of Ronald.

Media Gallery

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  • Monday, November 12 2007 @ 08:41 am PST
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General News It may not look like it, but we swear it's all there!

Buffalo + FLIP Poetry Open Mic - Today!

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  • Monday, November 12 2007 @ 04:22 am PST
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Buffalo Hi all,

If you live in the NYC area or are passing through, don't forget to check out the Buffalo Readings Open Mic today at the Bowery Poetry Club! And because it's been so much fun, the band FLIP will be joining us again, giving all attendees an opportunity to perform to A+ quality live music (or perform without live music if you are so inclined). Free at 6pm!

Buffalo Readings Open Mic@ The Bowery Poetry Club!
Monday, November 12 2007
The Bowery Poetry Club
308 Bowery
(between Houston & Bleecker)
New York, NY 10012
6:00pm - 7:30pm

Open Mic, Poetry, Music, Video
Backed up with the Live the avant-Jazz Sounds of FLIP!

Lots of surprises and a fully stocked bar!

All Slightly Unhinged Artists Welcome!

Take the 6 train to Bleeker or
The F to 2nd Ave.
Click here for directions:

An Island of Garbage Twice the Size of Texas

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  • Tuesday, October 30 2007 @ 10:40 pm PDT
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Buffalo This is a true story, about the product of life. The twisting winds and currents in various areas around the oceans create gigantic swirling pockets of debris that persist on long time scales. Normally this material breaks down, normally that is until humans began producing billions of tons of non-degradable plastics. Now, a seafaring individual traveling into the vast waters between Hawaii and California will encounter what amounts to a floating trash dump, twice the size of Texas. A twisting demon beast that is slowly infesting our beings and claiming our existence as its own.

It is known by many names:
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
North Pacific Gyre
Eastern Garbage Patch
Pacific Trash Vortex

Below are various resources gathered online:


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  • Thursday, October 25 2007 @ 09:55 am PDT
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Poetry Written some time ago, idea of our world not being the sole world, the original world or master world. Things existing included.

Sleep to dream away

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  • Wednesday, October 17 2007 @ 10:51 am PDT
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Poetry Sleep to dream away
by: Volcanic Milk

Striking, wailing out loud--
The thunder, the rain!
Walking home, this time
Huddled neath' a twisted Willow
Warmth breaks free
Of any will--
O! the structure of losing control!
The dankness of tonights
Un-inviting quarters;
Restlessness is relentless.
Clinging to those warm memories, melodies
To survive.
Early morning fog, latter years
Midnight frost;
O tonight,
Despondently cuddling mis-shapen trees
Glistening cheek,
(tears cascade dis-comfortably)
A foot, stripped of sock or shoe, impregnated
By muddy soil, soon to birth rot.
Only to rest or make an effort to sleep and dream away-- Strangely.
Sour sleep breeds
Strange dreams,
And this Willow will surely breed
Come Morning, anew.

But broken men ring out, and wander away
To the scene of their deaths.

To Be Titled/An Interactive Playdate with Zhenesse

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  • Wednesday, October 17 2007 @ 08:07 am PDT
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An interactive playdate with Zhenesse

With special guest hosts nightly!

To Be Titled is an interactive playdate created by Zhenesse and
featuring special guest hosts nightly. Zhenesse plays the role of
"Blandie," a living doll housed inside the "Blandie Mansion" ? your
playground to dress up and manipulate Blandie to your heart's desire.

When Toys R Us closes for the night "Blandie," comes alive in her pink
doll box and awaits your arrival. Once inside, the Blandie Mansion
Manager will introduce you to your tools of play including the couture
closet, prop box, and coiffure line. After you style your Blandie you
take her to the fashion shoot photo studio and immortalize her image.

To Be Titled casts the audience in the role of image stylist, and
presents a meditation on fashion, still image, personal identity, and
role-play. The audience will enter individually or in a group of up to
four people. Feel free to bring your own items to the Blandie Mansion
to create your ideal image. All images created will be documented. A
catalogue of images from the show with their creation documentation
will be released in January 2008.

at chashama gallery @ 112 W.44th Street (Between 6th and Broadway,
B/D/F/V/1/2/3 to 42nd St., 7 to Bryant Park/5th Ave)

October 6th ? October 25th
Thursday ? Monday, 9PM ? 1AM
FREE and open to the public.

Closing reception
October 25th, 7PM - 9PM.

Reservations recommended. Reserve your time in half hour increments
beginning at 9 pm until 1 am by emailing

Funding has been made possible by the Puffin Foundation.

For further information, visit:

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