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Buffalo Back on the OUP!

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  • Friday, June 29 2007 @ 08:11 am PDT
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Buffalo That's right, after a short hiatus, the Buffalo are back blogging for Oxford University Press. They'll be an article from Noah, and article from Dave, and a poem from myself.

Check out to read it!


New OUP Blog This Week!

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  • Wednesday, June 27 2007 @ 09:45 am PDT
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General News Our time has been extended on the Oxford University Press Blog! Starting this Friday 6/29 you can read our articles and opinions, new ones will be featured on the last Friday of every month. Check if you missed the previous installments

New Orleans

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  • Saturday, June 23 2007 @ 10:59 pm PDT
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Poetry Before the flood.

Spread the word! On 8/18, tell Congress to Impeach Bush and Cheney!

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  • Monday, June 18 2007 @ 10:27 am PDT
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Thanks to those of you who have already taken action. But if you
really want to Impeach George Bush and Dick Cheney, and get the
message to Congress on 8/18, then we're gonna need everyone to help!

If you haven't already, then please forward this on to at least 10
people, chain letter style. If just 10 people forward to 10 people
eight times in one unbroken chain of democracy, then after eight
forwards we'll have reached 100,000,000 people.

Then, on August 18th, 2007, everyone MAIL / EMAIL / CALL your
Representatives and demand that they IMPEACH BUSH AND CHENEY!

Visit for more info, videos, and downloadable flyers.

Visit to find your
Representatives' contact info.

So remember:
Send this message to just 10 friends right now, and on
8/18 we will be heard UNITED!


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  • Thursday, June 14 2007 @ 03:42 pm PDT
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Poetry BAd Bad Jokes! People not laughing, but we're cracking apart on the insides with truth teeth tearing glady at our souls

June 11th

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  • Monday, June 11 2007 @ 03:44 am PDT
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  • Thursday, June 07 2007 @ 12:05 am PDT
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During WWII, with asian hemp suppliers in the hands of the Japanese, the USDA asked America's farmers to grow 50,000 acres of hemp, aka "Marihuana". Here's the video they produced to edjucate those farmers.


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  • Monday, June 04 2007 @ 07:17 pm PDT
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Poetry That anger will
that no thought
comes and
sputtering engine
no mind
no hope
White eyed explainations
another fist
a dieing palm
in red light
Trampled grasses
and seething waterfronts
no burn. No trampled grasses,
Quiet -- save for the
clanging of midnight machines
black metal insects
chomp chomp chomp
the fertile fields
wrapped in soft blue
wrapped in dark black
wrapped in questionmark

My Political Debate with SoCal on the Colbert Nation messageboards

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  • Monday, June 04 2007 @ 12:36 am PDT
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Buffalo I posted the "Petition to Remove Bush and Cheney from Office" on the Colbert Report politcal messageboard, hoping to have a discussion about the text of the document before posting it as a petition, boy I got more than I expected.

One of the regulars there, who goes by the handle SoCal, took imediate and childish issue with the very idea of an "online petition" affecting change.

What follows is an all out, on going, and at times very heavy debate about the future of resistance in America, the tactics of childish name calling, the state of our governmental environment, pro-hope, anti-hope, real good old fashion out and out type debate. And I'm happy to be a part of it.

I hope you'll check it out, and contribute if you feel inclined. Join in here:

Buffalo Readings Registered with

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  • Friday, June 01 2007 @ 02:11 pm PDT
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Buffalo Readings @ the Bowery Poetry Club!

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  • Thursday, May 31 2007 @ 05:29 pm PDT
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General News It's been in the works for a long time now.
Asked for. Yearned for. Thought of. Mentioned. Whispered.

And now, because you asked for it - The Buffalo Readings will be doing a regular monthly readings series all summer long, not just in the heart of Manhattan, not just in the East Village itself, but at the one of the epicenters of poetry: the world famous Bowery Poetry Club! Yes, they've wanted us there for ages now & we've always wanted to be there as regulars. Mutual admiration at it's finest! So at long last the i's are dotted and the t's are crossed: the Second Monday of June, July & August will find us hosting the nastiest, grittiest, most well organized chaotic open mic event you can think of! Buffalo style poetry, music, special guests, movies, an open mike & a full fledge functioning bar. An hour and a half of poetic, artistic ecstasy.

6pm - 7:30pm, Monday June 11th, July 9th & August 13th.
Admission will be Free to all!

Declaration of Independence from The Bush Administration

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  • Monday, May 28 2007 @ 02:15 am PDT
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Buffalo ###

Letter from the American People asking for the Impeachment of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney


When in the Course of American History, it becomes clear that the powers of the few have once again become out of balance with the checks meant to right them, it is the duty of the citizens of The United States of America to remind those in power of their equal station with the people, and that it is the founding principle of this Nation, that we all must consent to the practice of the powers handed down to them by her people, or that power shall be taken away. It is with this then that we remind the current administration of its long list of abuses, and demand that it turns over its power immediately to the people.


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  • Monday, May 21 2007 @ 08:47 pm PDT
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Poetry Just wrote.
Ver' Shrt.

TONIGHT! Second Life Exclusive! Book Signing - Otho Tenk will be signing copies of his new book

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  • Monday, May 21 2007 @ 02:58 pm PDT
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Tonight May 24th 2007 at 6pm SLT 9pm EST
OTHO TENK, aka KING OTHO of Buffalo Readings fame will be doing a LIVE SIGNING of his new book SVATTENVURST - A Novel in Words and Pictures at the Buffalo Readings Theater/Cafe/Bookstore. This will not be a pre-made signature. Each signature will be written and uploaded on the spot, by the author.

SPECIAL PROMOTION, the first 25 guests arriving after the start of the event will get a copy of the book FREE!

DJ FleeceBeast will be providing the music. Plus, members of the Buffalo Poets, including King Otho, Noah Levin, David Acevedo, and James Honzik will be hanging around to chat you up before, during, and after.

Hope to see you there!

Join the group "Buffalo Readings" in Second Life to stay informed on upcoming events

Didja know?

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  • Friday, May 18 2007 @ 01:12 am PDT
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Buffalo That The Bush Administration, and it's racist, bloody politics, and cohorts, et al.
Along with the FOX News Corp Branch of the Government
are in a bubble being blown,
and the whole of America
is turning its
back on their parrot-like
FEAR mongering
lunitards. Guliani?
Was Hitler
when he was
just the mayor of NEw yOrk
To seat him at the head of
the largest most
boisterous assemlege of
fascists since since
is a direct afront to
the ideals
the inheritors of this
mostly free democracy
come to appreciate as
the true, and better
dream of the
promise of American Society

But Facists may be too strong a word
Evil People at the Top
folleyed by - Fearful people at the bottom.
Evil can be infectious,
but Fear is usually first
I proclaim upon the land
Fear causes you to give up on
driving this continent
but no the land
this earth
but not the ground
or wind or sky
The people
The laws
The way we live our lives
Let no prior guilt
commit you
to not doing future good
Your moment is pure and unmuddled by history
live truly live
and your world will correct itself

Poetry on The Internets

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  • Tuesday, May 15 2007 @ 04:56 pm PDT
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Poetry In the past week, I've encountered a lot of great poetry rearing its head around the internets. Penn State has unleashed a huge database similar to Ubuweb's Giorno Poetry Systems audio conservatory project, PennSound In both places you can find loads of free poetic audio ranging from poetry to lectures and musical compositions.

Buffalo Theater / Gallery / Cafe / Bookstore / Hangout / Chicken Scraperie / vomitorium /...

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  • Saturday, May 12 2007 @ 04:45 pm PDT
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... Cheese Doodle Factory in SecondLife is now Open for Business! MOOSE!

Click thumbnail to see a tour of the Buffalo Hangout in SecondLife.

Buffalo Radio (KBUF)

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  • Saturday, May 12 2007 @ 03:49 pm PDT
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General News

The Buffalo have established an internet radio feed! KBUF The BUF is for BUFFALO! [moose.]

Last week saw the establishment of Buffalo Readings as a definite threat in SecondLife. [See SecondLife article] As a consequence of this, we had to figure out how to stream a live audio feed into the virtual neither-realm. Seven cartons of cigarettes and a busted leg later, we have, the Buffalo Radio Station!

As of now, we'll be playing the recording of last week's reading in heavy rotation (with some extras thrown in - nudge nudge). It went superific. It's 2hours, 18 minutes long, with David Acevedo, Noah Levin, Brian Kenny, and myself, plus a trouble ridden call in piece by The Honorable James Honzik. Listen in, cause you can't hear it anywhere else. Oh and sorry about all the SL crashes we caused. I'm getting that figured out.

Check back here often, cause there's gonna be a whole lot of Buffalo Broadcasts announced in the next few weeks. Live events, open mics. plain old DJin, good stuff. And don't forget that you can join us and other Buffalo live in the virtual SecondLife Buffalo Hang, now open for business, cause life is so much better, together.

Click the link below, or copy and paste into the player of your choice.
NOTE: The stream url has changed! Our new stream host ( doesn't crash SecondLife.


And please let us know if the broadcast is giving you trouble.

Kurt Vonnegut Interview in Second Life

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  • Monday, May 07 2007 @ 10:08 am PDT
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Buffalo Readings on Second Life

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  • Friday, May 04 2007 @ 07:35 am PDT
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The Buffalo will be performing at the Multi Media Art Center (MMAC) in the
virtual world Second Life on Tuesday May 8. Come virtually and watch a
Second Life Buffalo Avatar act as a vessel for the poets who will be
streaming their performance for non Second Life players to hear.

Reading begins at 9pm eastern, 6pm west coast and Second life time

Second Life:
MMAC Coordinates: Somerset 232, 200, 66
Buffalo Sweet Spot Radio Broadcast:

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