Welcome to The Buffalo Readings Homepage Thursday, March 06 2025 @ 06:41 pm PST
There's a movement afoot to make copyright registration required for all works of art. This would make any non-registered works become so called "orphaned" works, and thus up for grabs by any third party to use legally. This would break current international law which strictly forbids the coerced registering of copyrights.
As usual, there are those who stand to make lots of money from this. Private registries would charge money for each piece of art to be registered. And any non-registered work then can be used or registered by someone else perfectly legally, without the permission of the artist.
Check out this article on Animation World Magazine: http://mag.awn.com/?article_no=3605
Then go to http://www.house.gov/ and http://www.senate.gov/ to write your representatives and make sure they keep the law on the side of the artists.
From such diverse subjects as the maker's of Jack Daniels, to the sights of India, he has some really great shots.