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Welcome to The Buffalo Readings Homepage Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 12:42 am PDT

R.I.P. George Carlin

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  • Sunday, June 22 2008 @ 11:37 pm PDT
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Buffalo George Carlin, Irreverent Comedian, Dies at 71

I've always thought poetry comes in all forms and comedy is no exception. And one of the few sitting at the pinnacle, one of the true heavy weights of comedy, George Carlin, passed earlier today. While he reigned, Carlin always made an attempt to enlighten his audience with his unique view of the world, teaching through laughter and satire while remaining on the comedy cutting edge, bringing both laughter and thought raining down from his audience.

I think there is only one video to properly pay tribute to Mr. Carlin, and that would be the clip you will NEVER see on TV. So watch and relive how shocking this was in the 70's (although Lenny Bruce would probably just shrug), and be warned this video is NOT safe for work, not safe for children and not safe for people who dislike dirty language. And it never will be. Goodbye Mr. Carlin, thanks for the laughs and thanks for always being thought provoking while thumbing your nose at anyone who wanted you to play your humor safe.

The seven words that can never be said on television:

Buffalo Back in Action!

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  • Thursday, June 19 2008 @ 12:12 am PDT
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It's been a nice break?stretching our legs, staring at the sky, busting our chops in everyday life; but the buffalo are picking right back up where we left off a few months ago with our 2008 open mic schedule at the Bowery Poetry Club.

Starting Saturday July 12th, the Buffalo Readings Free Poetry + Jazz Open Mic makes its dramatic monthly return at the Bowery Poetry Club. Our goal is the same: to give this city an opportunity to enjoy a free high-quality poetry & jazz open mic in one of the hearts of ny's poetry scene. So spread the word to come on down and take part, because all of us are doing this for all of you! From the bottom of our hearts. Daniel Carter (sax, flutes, reeds & wind instruments), Demian Richardson (trumpet), David Schnug (Sax & Flute), David Moss (Bass), David Miller (Drums), Susan Kramer (vocals), + all of us Buffalo Poets (King O, David A, Callahan & myself) want to get down with all of you and have some of you blow us away. So tell your friends, we really want to create something exciting here with you! Every Second Saturday of the month.

Buffalo Readings Quickie #27 Rafael Bueno, Purpose of Life

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  • Wednesday, June 18 2008 @ 06:18 pm PDT
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Podcasts Buffalo Quickie
In this never before seen video, the wise Buffalo and Revolutionary Rafael Bueno, puts forth the purpose of life.

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Buffalo Readings Quickie #26 King Otho & Flip, 1:06 pm for Dave

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  • Wednesday, June 11 2008 @ 05:30 pm PDT
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Podcasts Buffalo Quickie
A Path Train era piece makes it to a Bowery hoedown

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Bo Diddley Is A Gunslinger

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  • Tuesday, June 03 2008 @ 12:10 pm PDT
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Buffalo One of the founding fathers of Rock and Roll. Anybody who is anybody in rock and roll borrowed Bo's licks, moves and grooves: Elvis, The Stones, Hendrix, everyone. Without Bo Diddley no rock band in the 60's would've known how to keep time. So long Bo, may you rest in peace, but force everyone else to shake their hips wherever your soul goes.

NYTimes article: Bo Diddley, Who Gave Rock His Beat, Dies at 79

Buffalo Quickie #25 David Acevedo with Flip, In The Night

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  • Wednesday, May 28 2008 @ 07:59 am PDT
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Podcasts Buffalo Quickie
David hits us up with some fresh words, a last minute save by technology!

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Experimental portraits

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  • Friday, May 23 2008 @ 09:42 am PDT
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Buffalo I put this compilation together of my visual art. I mix together moss, rock, stone, rust, corrosion, reflection, decay, time, and entropy, with portraits of my friends. These take a long time to make, and each one is like a different story or poem.

Buffalo Quickie #24 King Otho and Flip, Giggle Fits

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  • Wednesday, May 21 2008 @ 05:41 am PDT
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Podcasts Buffalo Quickie
Otho takes the Bowery Poetry Club by storm with his poetry + the avant-jazz stylings of FLIP. Unheld hats will fly.

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Techno InstaSociety

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  • Friday, May 16 2008 @ 05:41 pm PDT
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Poetry This is so new I literaly just finished writing it this very second (for real!)....

"Techno InstaSociety"
"The Disjointed Union"

by Noah Levin

What is it you wanted to say? A
thousand voices joined into
Nothing for today.
No meat on the table.
No voice on the radio.
Reviews and self satisfaction scream
in millions of digital voices.
Blog your thoughts.
Be the generation of me.
Be the generation that fell into
nostalgic dream. Pillows of
yesterday suffocate voice, disjointed
approval lays the land bare.

Entertainment available to everyone
but the food on my table costs more
then I can pay. Blood for blood.
Will slides away into happiness.
Let me view yesterday on my
computer again and I?ll inject the
internet into my veins. Doped up
cyber-dreams glazes will to do

Say our independence all together
now, agree on nothing or settle for
self serving slaps on the back.
Grass roots points to aimless
wanderings. Don Quixote says sign
up! Sign Up! Forum rules into
clamor pit of millions where none
rise to the top.

World collapse and we can read
about it on the AP wire in minute
news. Watch instantaneous knee
jerk reaction:

Long term goals no longer exist.
Voice no longer exists. A scream
amongst a million doesn?t exist.
Placation is supreme!


Who are we?

On Sutter & Van Sinderen Ave

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  • Thursday, May 08 2008 @ 02:52 pm PDT
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Poetry In a new place for the first time and capturing the sublime sunset and approaching high tide with impending night.

Watching day light retreat
The growling trains
come and leave,
I hear them
and wonder to where
in the murky blue sky
do they wander to
at this endless junction
of Brook Land.

Buffalo Quickie #23 Noah Levin featuring Flip, Thelonious Monk Is A Jazz Ninja

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  • Tuesday, May 06 2008 @ 02:54 pm PDT
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Podcasts Buffalo Quickie
Noah pays tribute to an American musical legend in this awesome piece.

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Buffalo Quickie #22 Flip Live @ Tribes Gallery

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  • Thursday, April 24 2008 @ 05:37 pm PDT
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Podcasts Buffalo Quickie
We thought it was about time that we gave some Quickie love to those awesome cats of FLIP. Tribes was an awesome night, and FLIP really rocked it out.

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  • Saturday, April 19 2008 @ 08:06 am PDT
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There's a movement afoot to make copyright registration required for all works of art. This would make any non-registered works become so called "orphaned" works, and thus up for grabs by any third party to use legally. This would break current international law which strictly forbids the coerced registering of copyrights.

As usual, there are those who stand to make lots of money from this. Private registries would charge money for each piece of art to be registered. And any non-registered work then can be used or registered by someone else perfectly legally, without the permission of the artist.

Check out this article on Animation World Magazine:

Then go to and to write your representatives and make sure they keep the law on the side of the artists.

Check out Mark Tucker's amazing photos

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  • Friday, April 18 2008 @ 04:17 am PDT
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From such diverse subjects as the maker's of Jack Daniels, to the sights of India, he has some really great shots.

Buffalo Quickie #21 David Acevedo f. Luke Mann, Celebration of The Lizard

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  • Thursday, April 17 2008 @ 10:29 am PDT
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Podcasts Buffalo Quickie
None of us were quite prepared for the explosive performance that Dave was planning on laying down that night at Vox Pop. Luckily we were filming.

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Wanderlust by Bjork

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  • Thursday, April 17 2008 @ 09:05 am PDT
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Buffalo Check out this awesome Bjork video featuring a herd of fantasical Buffalo puppets.

Wanderlust - 2d

Buffalo Quickie #20 King Otho f. The Buffalo and Flip, Tao of Madness

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  • Wednesday, April 09 2008 @ 04:55 am PDT
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Podcasts Buffalo Quickie
The great thing about this video is that it shows how Buffalo Readings spontaneously burst into jamborees!

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Buffalo Quickie #19 Noah Levin, A Proclamation of Self

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  • Wednesday, April 02 2008 @ 12:00 am PDT
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Podcasts Buffalo Quickie
Another great and classic Noah piece from a Buffalo Bowery Open Mic!

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Buffalo Quickie #18 David Acevedo & Flip, Anamorphic Code

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  • Wednesday, March 26 2008 @ 12:00 pm PDT
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Podcasts Buffalo Quickie
Dave throws out the poem of worldwide microscopic toil and the joy of it all. Take notice how he marks this as the beginning of the 'real shit'.

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Buffalo Quickie #17 King Otho & Flip, Don't You See What's Happening

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  • Thursday, March 20 2008 @ 04:42 am PDT
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Podcasts Buffalo Quickie
Kin Otho lays his classic piece down solid with Flip!

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